We recently designed and printed a shirt for our friends in West Des Moines. It was a limited edition, but you know what wasn't limited? West Des Moines ideas. We mean, shit, where do you stop? Here are some ideas that didn't make the cut:
- West Des Moines: We’ve Got the Mall You Shop at, And The Mall you used to shop at.
- West Des Moines: 2 Malls. That’s Right. 2.
- West Des Moines: 2 Malls at the Same Time.
- West Des Moines: Sex, Drugs, and Cul De Sacs.
- West Des Moines: Sex, Drugs, and Turning Lanes.
- West Des Moines: The Mild Mild West.
- West Des Moines: It Ain’t East Des Moines, That’s for Sure!
- West Des Moines: If You Hit Omaha, You’ve Gone to Far.
- West Des Moines: Casual Business Attire Suggested
- West Des Moines: Business Casual.
- West Des Moines: Business Casual as Usual.
- West Des Moines: French for West The Moines.
- West Des Moines: The OTHER Des Moines
- West Des Moines: The OTHER White Des Moines.
- West Des Moines: We’re Next to Another City … guess which one, and which direction!
- West Des Moines: You’ll Never Guess What City We’re West Of.
- West Des Moines: Just West of …. Windsor Heights!
- West Des Moines: It’s a Mall World After all.
- West Des Moines: RIP TGIF.
- West Des Moines: RIP Coconut Joes (And Loco Joes for that Matter …. and Hooters).
- West Des Moines: Once You Go West of 63rd, There’s No Going Back
- West Des Moines: Even the Shitty Part of the City is still Pretty Good.
- West Des Moines: Nice Try, Ankeny.
- West Des Moines: We Will Gut You Like a Pig, Waukee!
- West Des Moines: From the Des Moines Side of West Des Moines to the Waukee Side of West Des Moines.
- West Des Moines: We ACTUALLY Have a Jethros (Take That, Waukee!).
- West Des Moines: We Had Chipotle FIRST.
- West Des Moines: We Got A Lot of Medical Buildings for Some Reason.
- West Des Moines: No, Not the Wells Fargo Downtown, the West Des Moines one. And No, not the Black Window One on Mills Civic, the Older one by Hy-Vee between Unviersity and Westown.
- West Des Moines: Potential for Re-Zoning.
- West Des Moines: Conquer, or Die.
- West Des Moines: We got your in our sights, Booneville!
- West Des Moines: Tuscan-themed Restaurants? Oh yeah.
..... we do still have the shirt below, though.